The same results as typing the "c" without the cedilla). (in the example below, querying with the cedilla will retrieve
You may activate a pop-up window by clicking Pop-Up Search. You may browse by clicking Browse the AAT hierarchies.
You may indicate if you wish to use AND or OR between the term and the note. You may also search for words in the Note. Type a term in Find Term and click Search or hit Enter/Return to launch the search. It grows over time through contributions. You may search for terms related to art, architecture, and related disciplines, including types of objects and architecture (e.g., amphora, cathedral), materials ( bronze, stained glass), styles and periods (e.g., Neolithic, Baroque), types of people (e.g., painters, sculptors), activities (e.g., museology, printmaking), physical attributes (e.g., inlays, crazing), and associated concepts (e.g., verism, sprezzatura).
#How to use the thesaurus in word without right clicking how to#
How to Use the AAT Online (PDF version).